DT: Damping constant (EC50) of TSH at the Thyroid.

TABLE 11 Decrease DT ( /10 ) STANDARD FIGURES Increase DT (x10)
TRH 2500 2500 2500
TSH 1.2151 1,8 3.5831
TT4 250.1930 121,94 35.3682
FT4 36.2546 17,67 5.1251
TT3 6.5979 3,21 0.9328
FT3 10.9781 5,35 1.5520
cT3 23562.9892 11693,7490 3434.1110

When the dampening constant is increased we see these changes in the thyroid hormones. Visualised below:

The standard figures visualised:


When the dampening constant is decreased we see these changes in the thyroid hormones. Visualised below:

decreased DR

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