This site focus on how you may model the variability of the thyroid hormones. The material is based (primarily) on the program Simthyr developed by the German endocrinologist J.W. Dietrich. You can get inspiration to use the system and see some of the different models at the SimThyr pages: LINK

You will get the most out of this site if you have downloaded and tested SimThyr – Having tried SimThyr gives you a background and understanding of what is shown in the different pictures. Most of the pictures show figures from the standard values often with two different versions where the parameter is increased or decreased by ten percent – to give a visual impression of the influence of the parameter.

Several scenarios are developed by J.W. Dietrich – and they are very illustrative of what Simthyr is capable of – an overview is provided here: LINK

Based on a specific way of calculating the numbers from Simthyr we have created some plots which shows results from different scenarios: LINK
In the text are references to the mathematical reasoning: Values from three simulations from SimThyr evaluated with ggmulti – High-Dimensional Visualizations. A short youtube video on the subject here.



The Thyroid

Simulation of the thyroid secretory capacity

Deiodinase – periferal

Peripheral type 1 deiodinase (D1)

Fine tuning the system

Damping constant of TSH at the Thyroid.

Fine tuning the deiodinases

Dissociation constant of type 1 deiodinase

Defined by thyroid-pituitary feedback control, clinical diagnosis of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism has become synonymous with TSH measurement. We combined in silico analysis and in vivo data to explore the central influences on thyroidal T3 production. (Hoermann et al 2020)

Over the last many years development in modelling programs has intensified. Several programmes have been developed and the clear aim has been a wish for establishing insight without damaging animals or persons.

To create the model is a development process. Piecing together tons of information hidden in studies performed over the last decades. But thorough labour from a dedicated group of scientists have led to the development of SimThyr – the topic for these pages.

How to use it and how to argue for the changes made and seen in the developed scenarios.

View The Circle to get an idea of the topic of these pages.

An educational tool and great opportunity to learn!

You are welcome to comment or upload your own scenarios, ask questions or answer those posed